New Baby Wishes & New Born Congratulations Messages
Here in this post, you will find the new baby wishes for parents, Congratulations to new parents for baby girl and baby boy, new born congratulations greetings messages, Congratulations on the birth of your son daughter, Congratulations message to new parents.
May your little baby fill your life
with happiness.
Congratulations for new born baby!
Babies are like angels.
Congratulation on having
such a beautiful angel from God.
May your child respect his elders
and called a best baby boy.
May this child bring happiness to all of you,
May you all be happy always.
May this happiness never be faded away.
The children are future of parents.
So I wish you to have a bright future.
New born baby is really a blessing from God,
May you be blessed all the life ahead.
I know that for parents there is precious gift of God.
I pray that may your child live long healthy life.
Baby is gift from God,
May you be happy on having such precious gift.
May your little angel grow
strong under your care & love.
Birth of a baby is unforgettable event,
its joy is inexpressible. May you have all joys in life.
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The moment when a baby smile is a wonderful moment.
May your life be bright with
the sunshine of your cute baby smile.
The first cry of child brings happiness to home,
May your home be always filled with happiness.
A Baby is like the heart beat for
his/her mother and fills life with love.
Best Wishes For New Born Baby!
Congratulation on having such beautiful baby,
May he/she inherit the ideal qualities.
Children are our future,
May your future be bright with the birth of this baby.
Wishing you all the happiness
a baby brings to your world.
Babies are stars,
May your home be always illuminated with these starts.
New Born Congratulations Messages
GOD has been blessed you
with a beautiful gift in the form of child!
Let it grow healthy and strong! Congrats Dear!
Birth of child is sign of good luck,
May this child prove to be lucky for you.
I can’t imagine the happiness of parents of newly born baby.
I am very happy then i am imagining
how much happy you are?
I pray to god may you always be a happy family.
Hopes and expectations are associated with child.
I wish this child comes up to your expectation,
May you see his bright future.
The parents always think that their children are proud of them.
I pray to GOD that he brings you many happy and proud moments.
May your all wishes come true,
may you never see him in trouble and problems.
It is a very surprising moment
to take your baby in your hand,
I wish to God for both of you have
many wonderful occasions with your sweet little baby.
No doubt the birth of children brings a lot of pleasures and happiness,
but along-with responsibility also.
I wish you fulfill this responsibility very well.
The parents always think that their children are proud of them.
I pray to GOD that he brings you many happy and proud moments.
I wish there is always mutual understanding
between you and your son/daughter.
I wish there rise no disagreement between both of you.
I pray, May God make this child pious and obedient to you.
I wish for the day when you proud of him/her.